Lebanese Tourism Sector Losses Exceeded $3.5 Billion

  • Beirut, Lebanon
  • 26 August 2024

Pierre Achkar, head of the Federation of Tourism Establishments Unions in Lebanon and head of the Syndicate of Hoteliers, estimated the losses of the tourism sector in Lebanon at about $ 3.5 billion, in addition to the loss of about 50 percent of tourism income in Lebanon during the past year, estimated at about $ 7 billion.

He explained that the problem in the future is the continuation of the situation, which will lead to the closure of many establishments and hotels. He pointed out that Beirut hotels are partially closed, and those who have 200 rooms open 50, and those who have 5 restaurants close 4 and open one. The losses of the Lebanese economy are estimated at $10 billion, as a result of lost revenues and damage to infrastructure. The tourism sector pumped between $5 billion and $7 billion into Lebanon's economy last year and has been hit hard this year.

Source (Al Arabiya.net Website, Edited)

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