Egypt's Non-Petroleum Exports Record $34.4 Billion In 2023

  • Cairo, Egypt
  • 6 February 2024

Egypt's non-petroleum exports grew slightly last year to USD 34.424 billion compared to USD 33.894 billion last year, according to official data issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry's General Organization for Export and Import Control.

Egypt is trying to increase exports to boost its dollar revenues during the current stage, which is witnessing a crisis due to the shortage of the dollar that led to its rise against the pound to record levels in the parallel market.

Egypt aims to reach its total exports to $ 145 billion by 2030, according to a document entitled "The most prominent strategic directions of the Egyptian economy for the new presidential term (2024-2030)", announced by the Information and Decision Support Center at the Egyptian Council of Ministers earlier this year, as part of a program to enhance foreign exchange receipts with a total of $ 300 billion.

Source ( Website, Edited)


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