Unemployment Rate in the Eurozone Fell To Its Lowest Level in November

  • Eurozone
  • 10 January 2024

Data from Eurostat showed that the unemployment rate fell to a record low in November. The unemployment rate fell from 6.5 percent to 6.4 percent in November.

The office estimated the number of unemployed fell by 99,000 to a total of 10,970,000 in November. Compared to last year, the unemployment rate fell by 282,000 people. The unemployment rate among under-25s fell by 54,000 people month-on-month to a total of 2,321,000 in November. The youth unemployment rate stood at 14.5 percent, compared to 14.8 percent in October.

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper, Edited)

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