Egypt's Annual Inflation Slows to 28.1 Percent

  • Cairo, Egypt
  • 10 June 2024

Data released by Egypt's Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) showed that annual consumer price inflation in Egyptian cities fell to 28.1 percent in May from 32.5 percent in April. The annual inflation rate for the total republic recorded about 27.4 percent for May 2024, compared to 31.8 percent for April 2024.

In its monthly report, ADFCA indicated that the prices of cereals and bread group recorded an annual increase by (15.3%), while the prices of meat and poultry group increased by (26.6%), and the prices of fish and seafood group by (20.9%). The prices of dairy, cheese, and eggs group increased by (38.6%), the prices of oils and fats group increased by (18.9%), the prices of fruits group by (57.3%), the prices of vegetables group by (31.9%), the prices of sugar and sugary foods group by (31.2%), and the prices of coffee, tea and cocoa group by (41.4%).

Source ( Website, Edited)


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