For The First Time in Its History.. Jordan's Queen Alia International Airport Achieves These Figures

  • Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 22 January 2024

Queen Alia International Airport in Jordan received, for the first time in its history, 9 million and 201 thousand and 269 passengers, during the last year 2023, an increase of 17.4 percent, compared to the statistics of 2022, and during the same period.

According to Airport International Group, as of January 21, the airport handled 77,696 aircraft movements, while air cargo traffic reached 67,366 tons, representing an increase of 13.7 and 9.9 percent from the previous year, respectively.

Last December, the airport received 643048 passengers, handled 5,582 aircraft movements, a decrease of 2.6 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively, compared to 2022, and handled 6,434 tons of air cargo, an increase of 30.4 percent compared to 2022.

Source (CNBC Arabia Website, Edited)

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