Algerian President Decides To Introduce Corrections in This Year's Budget

  • Algiers, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • 13 September 2023

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune tasked the government with drafting a "corrective" budget law that guarantees amendments to the 2023 budget, and to develop a plan to continue supporting prices and ensuring the supply of food supplies to the market."

The budget correction project (formerly called a supplementary budget) includes correcting some imbalances in line with and in response to the decisions taken to further improve the purchasing power of citizens and strengthen the home front.

President Tebboune stressed that the government should put in place measures that would allow controlling the supply of the local market with widely consumed materials in the internal market, continue to subsidize prices for a number of basic imported essential materials, and prevent any import of legumes outside the National Professional Grain Office, with a precise determination of the stages of the price of the product.

Source (Al-Araby Al-Jadeed Newspaper, Edited)

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