Russia and the Gulf Cooperation Council Agreement to Develop Energy Supply Chains

  • International
  • 11 July 2023

Russia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries agreed to work on developing energy supply chains, according to a joint statement issued after the joint meeting between the GCC foreign ministers and their Russian counterparts.

The two sides agreed to work to create a suitable environment to increase trade and investment exchange and develop energy supply chains by encouraging communication between representatives of the business sector in order to benefit from investment opportunities in the GCC countries and in Russia. Strengthening cooperation in the field of energy, and holding regular meetings of specialists and technicians in this field to develop the necessary frameworks for this.

The importance of unhindered access of food and fertilizers to global markets as well as humanitarian assistance was stressed, in order to contribute to the provision of food security for affected countries.

Source (CNBC Arabic Website, Edited)

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