• The Council

    Is the highest authority in the Union. It undertakes all measures to achieve its objectives and necessary policies and programs, such as the formulation of internal by – laws; approval of estimated accounts and final balance sheet, and determination of annual subscription fees of all members. The Council supervises the work of the General Secretariat and executes the decisions of the Public Conference. The Presidency of Union's Council is rotated among the Council's members in an alphabetical order for a period of two years, as per the regime followed at the Arab League.

  • The Executive Committee

    This Committee is elected from the Council's members. It comprises seven members: the President of the Council, two Vice-Presidents, and four members elected by the Council from chambers' or unions' Presidents for a period of two years. The Committee follows up the execution of the Council's decisions and make decisions on all emerging issues that come up during intervals that separate the Council's sessions. It studies the yearly balance sheet and the final balance sheet. It can be called to attend sessions at any time.

  • General Secretariat

    Is the executive body of the Union, headed by the Secretary General who is elected for a period of four years. The Council has the authority to re-elect him. The Secretary General schedules the annual activities of the General Secretariat and an annual report of the Union's achievements, and developments related to Arab economic cooperation and integration, besides other important economic issues. The General Secretariat also carries out all directions of the Council and Executive Committee, and follows the execution of their decisions. It assists the Secretary General in carrying out the activities of the General Secretariat.

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