IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecast, Warns Of Growing Risks

  • International
  • 23 October 2024

The International Monetary Fund cut its forecast for global growth for next year and warned of accelerating risks from wars and trade protectionism. He praised the role of central banks to tame inflation without pushing countries into recession.

According to the International Monetary Fund, in an update to its global economic outlook, global output will expand by 3.2%, slower than the July estimate. He left the forecast for this year unchanged at 3.2%. Inflation will slow to 4.3% next year from 5.8% in 2024.

The IMF warned two years ago that the global economy is likely to expand at its current average level in the medium term — far short of giving countries the resources they need to reduce poverty and tackle climate change.


Source (Al-Arabiya Net Website, Edited)

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