Kuwait the Fifth Largest Exporter of Projects in the Arab World

  • Kuwait City, Kuwait
  • 9 July 2024

Kuwait ranked fifth in the list of the largest exporters of projects in the Arabic region in 2023 according to the data of the 39th annual report on the investment climate in Arabic countries for the year 2024, issued by the Arabic Investment and Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (Daman).

According to the report, Kuwait was ranked by 13 projects worth $ 2.5 billion (about 918 million dinars) that provided about 2,000 jobs. Kuwait received 8 new foreign direct investment projects during 2023 with $ 83 million (about 27.7 million dinars), creating 329 new job opportunities.

Kuwait ranked fourth in the Arab world and 41st globally in the (Daman) compilation index of the components of the investment climate in Arabic countries in 2023. After improving two places compared to the 2022 index, as the index monitors the performance of 158 countries, including 21 Arab countries, in 190 main and sub-indicators in areas related to the investment climate issued by 33 international bodies.

Source (Al-Rai Kuwaiti Newspaper, Edited)


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