The Standing Committee for Labor Affairs of the Union of Arab Chambers Holds Its 40th Consultative Meeting in Baghdad - Arab Labor Conference Calls for Permanent Membership of Palestine in the International Labor Organization

  • Baghdad, Republic of Iraq
  • 30 April 2024

The Standing Committee for Labor Affairs of the Union of Arab Chambers held its consultative meeting (40) on 26-4-2024, on the eve of the 50th Arab Labor Conference at the Rashid Hotel in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, under the patronage and presence of Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani. With the participation of the President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Palestine, Abdo Idris, in addition to the participation of delegations from Jordan, the UAE, Qatar, Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunisia, Mauritania, Algeria, and Libya. Djibouti, representatives of the League of Arab States and the Arab Labor Organization.

At the beginning of the meeting, Khalifa Matar Al-Kaabi was elected as Chairman of the Arab Group in the Arab Labor Organization, Nasser Al-Meer as Vice Chairman, and then representatives of the Employers' Group were selected in the membership committees, after which the agenda items were discussed.

The meeting aimed to allow the chambers and federations of Arab chambers to discuss the matters on the agenda of the conference and any new matters.

The Director-General of the Arab Labor Organization, Fayez Al-Mutairi, participated in the meeting of the Standing Committee for Labor Affairs at the Union of Arab Chambers, where he stressed the role of employers within the Arab Labor Organization, and the importance of coordination between employers, workers, and governments. Putting all the capabilities of the Arab Labor Organization at the service of employers, for the common interest. He stressed the importance of unifying the Arab position in international forums, especially within the International Labor Organization, in order to defend Arab causes, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

The agenda of the meeting included a number of items, and the participants' discussions focused on the importance of unifying the Arab position (governments and the private sector) in international forums, especially within the International Labor Organization, especially with regard to Palestine's accession to the ILO as an original member, i.e. full member. In addition, pressure should continue to be exerted on the international community to protect the rights and interests of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to various forms of oppression by the Israeli occupation. The participants also touched on the issue of how many governments around the world have amended the laws of the right to strike, which is guaranteed by national and international laws. The workers reached it after decades of struggle, protest, discussion, and consensus with governments and employers, and the need for employers and governments to have a position on this issue, especially within the International Labor Organization.

The first item, the first section on the agenda of the 50th session of the Arab Labor Conference, focused on the report of the Director General entitled: "The Future of Human Resources in Light of the Technological Revolution", which discusses the challenges and opportunities facing human resources in the digital age, the radical changes in the work environment as a result of technological progress, and their impact on labor markets and job patterns. It also addresses the role that technology can play in developing and upgrading human resources and achieving a balance and integration between technology The human element, with a focus on the Fifth Industrial Revolution, human and technological values, the contribution of technology to enhancing productivity and ensuring the sustainability of institutions, and the need to invest in human capital as an essential part of development, while emphasizing the importance of innovation and technical knowledge in the development of human resources, through education and training adapted to the requirements of changing labor markets. The fourth section of the report included the Declaration of Principles on "The Future of Human Resources in Light of the Technological Revolution", which aims to adopt development strategies that achieve a balance between technology and human resources, based on innovation and continuing education while ensuring basic rights in the work environment, based on investing in human capital as an essential element for growth and sustainable development, with a commitment to keeping pace with current and future technological challenges. The participants also reviewed two technical items on the agenda of the conference: The eighth item (Towards productive and sustainable labor markets in the Arab region), which discusses challenges and proposes a set of policies and mechanisms to promote the transition towards productive and sustainable labor markets. It also reviews the basics and principles of productive work, and the role of education and training in achieving sustainable economic development. The ninth item (Decent Work Conditions for Youth in Digital Platforms Challenges and Aspirations) examines the importance of digital platforms in providing job opportunities, highlighting the characteristics of the digital economy, stressing the need for digital empowerment and developing the skills necessary for digital transformation. This opens new horizons for discussion on how to provide fair and equitable jobs in the digital economy. In addition, the agenda of the conference reviews a number of items that report on the activities and achievements of the organization, its board of directors, the statutory committees on trade union freedoms, legal experts and Arab women's labor affairs, and the Committee for the Implementation of Conventions and Recommendations.

As part of a tour to review the progress of preparations for the Arab Labor Conference, the Minister of Labour of the Republic of Iraq, Ahmed Al-Asadi, visited the participants in the meeting of the Standing Committee for Labor Affairs in the Union of Arab Chambers. Where he greeted the participants and prayed for success in their meeting, for the good and interest of joint Arab action.


Honoring Khalifa Matar Al Kaabi

On the sidelines of the work of the Permanent Committee for Arab Labor Affairs at the Union of Arab Chambers, the Union of Arab Chambers, represented by the Director of the Arab, Foreign, and Joint Chambers, Hoda Kachtan, honored the representative of employers in the Arab and International Labor Organization and head of the delegation of the Federation of Emirati Chambers participating in the work of the Arab Labor Conference, Khalifa Khamis Matar Al Kaabi, and awarded him an honorary shield, in appreciation of his distinguished efforts in the Arab and International Labor Organization.


Meeting of the Director-General of the International Labor Organization

The Director-General of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Gilbert Houngbo, met with the delegation of employers participating in the work of the 50th Arab Labor Conference, where a dialogue took place during which positions on emerging and outstanding issues were reviewed. The Employers' Delegation called for the importance of Palestine's accession to the ILO as an original member, i.e. a full member. In addition, pressure should continue to be exerted on the international community to protect the rights and interests of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to various forms of oppression by the Israeli occupation. The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza from October 7, 2023, led to the destruction of dozens of factories, in addition to the loss of thousands of workers to their jobs, whether in Gaza or in the West Bank.

For his part, Houngbo stressed the importance of stopping the ongoing war in Gaza, which has affected the reality of work and workers inside the Palestinian territories. He stressed that the ILO does not mind the accession of Palestine to the ILO, but there are mechanisms that must be followed by the Arab side, as an official request must be submitted from the Arab side for Palestine to join the organization. He pointed out that this issue was discussed with the Palestinian Minister of Labor and the Palestinian Prime Minister, and efforts must be coordinated with all Arab, regional, and international parties, especially with the United States of America, which contributes 20 percent of the budget of the International Labor Organization, in order to obtain an international consensus and consensus that ultimately contributes to Palestine's full membership within the International Labor Organization.


Arab Labor Conference

The Arab Labor Conference opened its work at the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, on 27-4-2024, under the patronage and presence of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, and the participation of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the President of the Arab Labor Organization and the Qatari Minister of Labor Dr. Ali bin Smaikh Al-Marri, the Iraqi Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi, the Director-General of the Arab Labor Organization Fayez Al-Mutairi, the Director-General of the International Labor Organization Gilbert Houngbo, in addition to the participation of approximately 350 participants from their Excellencies Ministers, heads and members of delegations from employers' organizations and trade unions from 21 Arab countries, representatives of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, representatives of professional unions and Arab and international organizations, and a number of ambassadors and prominent personalities in the Republic of Iraq.

The opening ceremony began with the Iraqi national anthem and verses from the Holy Quran, and the opening session began with the speech of His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Smaikh Al-Marri , Minister of Labor in the State of Qatar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Labor Organization, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Labor Organization, thanking and appreciating the Republic of Iraq for hosting the work of the conference, directing sincere gratitude to His Excellency the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, sponsor of the conference, as well as the three production parties for their efforts in preparing and preparing for this distinguished session fifty years of The firm and well-established relationship between the Arab Labor Organization and the three production parties of the Arab countries.

In his speech, Minister Al-Marri referred to the exceptional circumstances that our Arab nation is going through in light of the continuing situation in Gaza and the economic crisis that casts a shadow on labor markets and employment issues, reviewing in his speech the most important activities of the Board of Directors for two consecutive sessions, condemning inhumane crimes against the workers and people of Palestine as war crimes and genocide.


Aboul Gheit

The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States noted the 59th anniversary of efforts to develop and preserve labor rights and support trade union freedoms at the conference held in Baghdad, which dates back to the first founding meeting of the Arab Labor Organization.

He expressed his thanks to the Republic of Iraq and the contributors to the organization of the conference and also touched on the situation in Palestine, denouncing the brutal acts of the occupation and calling on the international community to intervene to protect the rights of Palestinian workers. Appealing to the International Labor Organization to support the Palestinian emergency plan, praising the quality of the reports presented on the agenda, which kept pace with the effects of these changes on the nature of the labor market and workers' rights, and new forms of work in the future, including the provision of new types of education, training, re-education, and rehabilitation.


Fayez Al-Mutairi

In his speech during the opening session, the Director-General of the Arab Labor Organization spoke about Baghdad, saying: "A deposit on the Degla River between Karkhha and Rusafa, recording in its pages the present and history, in letters from ancient cultures and civilizations, its gates and walls tell Baghdadi stories about an ancient past and a renewed civilization that could not be silenced by wars or the harsh crises that have ravaged it for decades.

He added: From here from Baghdad, the city of peace, Mansour and Rashid, fifty-nine years ago, the first building block was laid for the establishment of the Arab Labor Organization, when the Government of Iraq took the initiative to convene the first conference of Arab ministers of labor, which unanimously approved the Arab Charter for Labor and the Constitution of the Arab Labor Organization. Appreciating the keenness of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, to attend in person to open his work, saying: Your role, Mr. President, in the return of the Organization to carry out its activities in Iraq after an absence of years, deserves to be stopped and recognized as an important station in the march of the Organization, and under your wise leadership, Iraq regained its regional and international standing, and resumed its civilizational start with determination and determination, proceeding in the process of reconstruction and development.

Al-Mutairi welcomed His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, saying: "Our Arab issues, whether political, economic or social, are a safe haven and one home, under wise leadership and insightful vision, which proved that joint Arab action is not only a dream we seek but a reality we live through its continuous efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

He explained in his speech that the selection of the topic of his report for this session came in response to the changing reality of labor markets, to present a forward-looking vision aimed at arming Arab human resources with the necessary skills, calling for consensus on a declaration of principles on "The future of human resources in light of the technological revolution.

Al-Mutairi condemned the brutality of the occupation forces, pointing to the martyrdom of more than 35,000 Palestinians in nearly seven months, and that it is not just a number, but a cry for help that expresses the magnitude of the tragedy that Gaza is experiencing, and a living testimony to the war of genocide that is being waged relentlessly, in a desperate attempt to obscure the truth, and evade international accountability.

He denounced the failure to grant the State of Palestine full membership in the United Nations as a blatant confirmation of the great gap between the principles of justice and rights, and between the reality of policies and resolutions, and a step backwards in efforts and endeavors to achieve a just and comprehensive peace. He appealed to the three production parties to join efforts by including the speeches of the delegations participating in the 112th session of the International Labor Conference, demanding that the annex to the report of the Director General on the situation of workers in the occupied territories be included as a main item on the agenda of the International Labor Conference to be discussed in plenary sessions.


Gilbert Houngbo

ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo expressed his pleasure at attending the fiftieth session of the Arab Labor Conference in Baghdad, the cradle of human civilization that represents an opportunity to celebrate achievements in the Arab world and address complex issues such as the impact of artificial intelligence and technology. He pointed to the rapid population growth of youth, and to the devastating conflict in Palestine that has affected life and living in Gaza and the West Bank. Over the past six months, tens of thousands in Gaza have lost their lives or been injured, hundreds of thousands have been displaced, and millions are now facing hunger, poverty, and disease, underscoring its negative impact on the stability of neighboring economies.

He also noted a $20 million emergency response program from the ILO to assist affected Palestinian workers. He reviewed the efforts of the international organization in collecting and analyzing data on the impact of the war on the Palestinian labor market and promoting development programs in Gaza. He also expressed the organization's commitment to supporting Arab countries in facing challenges such as youth unemployment and the gender gap at work, noting the effects of the brain drain that the region is losing its precious human potential, hindering development efforts. Stressing that challenges come with opportunities, he pointed to the impact of climate change and how green economy initiatives can promote sustainable economic growth. He pointed to the ILO's commitment to supporting policies and programs that promote green jobs and vocational training in the Arab region. Directing the invitation To join the Global Alliance for Social Justice, which brings together a wide range of partners to promote social justice globally.


Ahmed Alasadi

The President of the Conference, His Excellency Ahmed Al-Asadi, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic, welcomed the attendees to the fiftieth session of the Arab Labor Conference, stressing the importance of this meeting in strengthening joint Arab cooperation and supporting development goals such as improving working conditions and eradicating poverty. He stressed the importance of social dialogue and exchange of experiences to achieve productive and sustainable labor markets and promote decent work, especially among young people on digital platforms. He expressed his gratitude to the Arab Labor Organization and to the senior officials present for their support to Iraq.

Mohamed Shia Al, Sudani

His Excellency the Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, delivered a speech in which he praised the organizers of the conference and indicated that Baghdad was 59 years ago a witness and home to write the birth certificate of the Arab Labor Organization, where he met on the twelfth of 1965 the ministers of labor in Baghdad, and held their first conference, in which they approved the Arab Charter for Labor, and the draft constitution of the Arab Labor Organization, to be an umbrella under which ideas for labor and labor affairs meet. He praised the work plan of the conference and the report of the Director-General of the Arab Labor Organization, which was characterized by accuracy and objectivity, stressing the great role played by Brother Al-Mutairi and I witnessed it closely during my stay in the organization.

In his speech during the conference, Al-Sudani said that the Iraqi government has prepared all the reasons to ensure the excellence of this conference, to come up with recommendations, decisions, positive ideas and support for the organization. He pointed to the great support of the Iraqi government for the success of the activities and programs of the Arab Labor Organization, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs when he was its Minister.

He pointed out that the convening of this conference comes in exceptional difficult circumstances at the Arab and international levels, as the occupation forces continue their aggression against the people of Gaza, violating international law, the customs of war and United Nations resolutions, and preventing food, medicine and safe housing for the Palestinians, calling on the international community and its institutions to play their role in order to stop this unjust war, based on the humanitarian and moral responsibility drawn by international laws and resolutions..

He added: I anticipate everyone to extend congratulations to the workers of the world on their anniversary, on the first of May, wishing them and their trade union and labor organizations more progress and prosperity. He pointed out that the world is witnessing crises whose impact has been reflected on the global economy and the social, psychological and economic situation of the peoples of the Arab Organization, and negatively affected labor productivity. He pointed out that the Arab Labor Conference held in Baghdad bears additional responsibilities than those that previous conferences used to discuss. He stressed that it is necessary to work to improve the performance of institutions and elements of the labor market, and to build a qualitative relationship between education outputs and the needs of the labor market.

Source (Union of Arab Chambers)

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