New Outlook for the Global Economy.. Egypt could become 9th Largest Growth Influencer

  • International
  • 20 April 2023

“Bloomberg Economics” identified the shares of the world's most influential economies in the engines of global economic growth during the period 2023-2028, with China in the lead, accounting for 22 percent, followed by India with a share of 12.9 percent, then the United States with 11.3 percent. While Indonesia was the fourth place with a share of 3.6 percent, then Germany (2.1 percent), Turkey (2.1 percent), Japan (1.8 percent), Brazil, and Egypt with a share of 1.7 percent each.

Egypt leads the economies of Russia and Bangladesh at 1.6 percent each, with the United Kingdom, Vietnam, and France at 1.5 percent each.

The out population of India, its northern neighbor China, raises the question of how well the Indian economy can cope with this huge number of people, which represent almost a fifth of the planet's population.

Source (Al Website, Edited)

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