Arab Economic Forum Honors the President of the Union of Arab Chambers in Beirut \ Samir Nass: The Arab and Gulf Private Sectors Stand by Lebanon's Side to Recover

  • Beirut, Lebanon
  • 23 December 2022

The Arab Economic Forum, in its 28th session, which was held in Beirut on December 22, honored the President of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the President of the Union of Arab Chambers, Samir Abdullah Nass. Who at the same time heads the Nass Foundation, one of the most prominent companies active in the economy of Bahrain and the region.

The forum was held under the auspices and presence of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati, and with the participation of the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in addition to about three hundred and fifty senior leaders in the official and private financial and economic institutions in Lebanon and the Arab countries.

The forum, which was held under the title: "Lebanon.. The Road to Oil", discussed developments in the investment climate in the Arab countries, the role of economic alienation, and the future of the Lebanese economy after the demarcation of the maritime borders in southern Lebanon. The forum was organized by the "Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal" group; in partnership with: the Lebanese economic authorities, the Union of Arab Chambers, and the Public Institution for the Promotion of Investments in Lebanon (IDAL).

President Samir Abdullah Nass delivered a speech at the opening of the forum, confirming that “My presence today as the president of the Union of Arab Chambers (The official representative of the Arab private sector) and as the president of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in this difficult circumstance that Lebanon is going through, affirms that the Arab and Gulf private sector will stand by the Lebanese private sector until the Lebanese economy recovers as soon as possible.”

He stressed, "The Union of Arab Chambers' choice of Lebanon to be its headquarters since 1951 to the present day is the best evidence of the Arab business community's unanimity in renewing confidence in Lebanon and its endless ability to overcome crises, as we are accustomed to. Since its inception, the Union has been based on promoting intra-regional trade and working to achieve Arab economic integration, through its regional and international alliances, especially through its cooperation with the League of Arab States.

He said, “The Union of Arab Chambers stood by the member states, especially with Lebanon, as the Union cooperated with the Union of Lebanese Chambers, represented by its president, the dear friend Mohammad Choucair, in order to extend a helping hand and cooperate with the Lebanese private sector, to erase the effects of the port bombing in 2020.”

He pointed out that "It is no longer a secret today that Lebanon needs all possible assistance from the capable Arab countries, as the repercussions of the crisis have begun to become clear through the social and living repercussions and appear on the largest segment of the Lebanese people. There is no doubt that the honorable Arab presence today aims to support the path of recovery and economic reform, and to contribute to advancing the path of stability and growth for Lebanon. From this point of view, we promise you that we will work with all our energies to encourage and stimulate the return of investments to Lebanon, which is full of potential, human and natural resources, and productive projects. In addition to the strategic location that qualifies it to be a logistical center for the movement of trade in the Arab world, regionally, and internationally.”

President Samir Abdullah Nass called for us to work together to get Lebanon out of the tunnel, restore its economy’s confidence, and put it back on the map of prosperous countries. From this standpoint, “We affirm the support of the Arab private sector for Lebanon and the provision of everything that would achieve this. In this regard, we consider that the recent completion of the maritime border demarcation agreement constitutes a lever to recover from the state of collapse and restore local, Arab and international confidence in the Lebanese economy. Although the potential benefits do not negate the importance of proceeding with the path of reforms that Lebanon must undertake as soon as possible, in accordance with the agreement with the International Monetary Fund.”

At the end of his speech, Nass wished that this conference would constitute a glimmer of hope for Lebanon's return to its brilliance, with steady and confident steps. "We hope to speed up the adoption of all necessary reforms required to restore confidence, asking God Almighty to protect Lebanon and its people."

Within the framework of the forum's activities, the Union of Arab Chambers signed cooperation agreements with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, "The Arab Center for Agricultural Entrepreneurship", MEAZONE LTD, and IIG international, with the aim of enhancing cooperation and supporting entrepreneurship in the Arab world.

Source (Union of Arab Chambers)

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