Iraqi Oil Revenues Exceeded 2 Billion Dollars

  • Baghdad, Republic of Iraq
  • 2 June 2020

The Iraqi Oil Ministry revealed that the total exports and revenues accrued for the last month (May) exceeded two billion dollars, a barrier of about half a billion dollars over the revenues of the month of April (April), which recorded financial returns estimated at 1.423 billion dollars.

The total quantities of exported crude oil for the month of May from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq were 96 million and 39 thousand and 852 barrels, while from the Kirkuk fields through the port of Ceyhan, the quantities exported amounted to three million and 545 thousand and 431 barrels. The average price per barrel was 21.005 dollars, while the total daily rate of exports was 3 million and 212 thousand barrels, as the daily rate of export from Basra ports, was three million and 98 thousand barrels, and from Ceyhan (Turkish side), the daily rate was 114 thousand barrels.

It is unlikely that the increase in new oil revenues will meet the monthly expenses incurred by the Iraqi government, as the amounts that the state must spend on the category of employees only amount to more than 3 trillion Iraqi dinars (about 3 billion dollars).

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Edited)

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