Jordanian Bank Deposits Reach JOD 33.8 Billion

  • Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 13 May 2019

The balance of deposits with the Jordanian banks at the end of the first quarter of 2019 amounted to about 33.8 billion dinars, more than 75 percent of them in dinars and the rest of the other currencies.

The private sector deposits rose by JOD 210 million (0.8%) during the first quarter of this year. While deposits in dinars increased by JOD 285.5 million (1.4%) and the foreign currency deposits decreased by JOD 75.5 million (1.2%).

The foreign reserves at the central bank remained at the same level as at the end of 2018. Reserves including gold and SDRs currently stand at $13.3 billion and are enough to cover the Kingdom’s imports of goods and services for 7.2 months.

Jordan has a sound and strong banking system that is absorbent to shocks and risks. Banks in Jordan have high levels of capital and comfortable levels of liquidity, and this is evident in many financial stability indicators.

Source (Al-Dostour newspaper – Jordan, Edited)