Business Environment

The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)


  • Short Description

    The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (the Arab Fund), based in the State of Kuwait, is an Arab regional financial institution focused on funding economic and social development by financing public and private investment projects and providing grants and expertise. The Arab Fund's activities are characterized by a number of important aspects that make it a model of cooperation and Arab economic integration, and a reflection of outstanding joint Arab action.

    The Arab Fund is similar in functions to the major regional multilateral development-finance institutions. Its principal purpose is to contribute to the financing of economic and social development projects in Arab States. To attain its purpose, the Arab Fund provides financing for economic development projects by extending loans and providing grants to support the implementation of development projects in the member states.

    Its function is to assist the economic and social development of Arab countries through:

    - Financing development projects, with preference given to overall Arab development and to joint Arab Projects.

    - Encouraging the investment of private and public funds in Arab projects.

    - Providing technical assistance services for Arab economic and social development.

    Business sectors: Sectors of roads, energy, water, agriculture and industry

  • Type of funding

    - Providing all forms of loans and guarantees

    - Furnishing the requisite financial

    - Technical and advisory services

    - Other forms of financing 

  • Contact Info

    H.E. Mr. Abdlatif Yousef Al-Hamad

    Director General / Chairman of the board of Directors

    P.O. Box 21923 SAFAT 13080 Kuwait State of Kuwait


    Tel: (965) 2495 9000

    Fax: (965) 249 593 90/91/92


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