Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry

  • About the Federation

    The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the United Arab Emirates was established on the basis of Federal Law No. 5 of 1976, as amended by Federal Law No. 22 of 2000, to represent the business sector and chambers of commerce and industry in economic and social life.



    Vision, Mission and Goals


    To be the effective representative of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry to all institutions and entities inside and outside the country to serve the interests of the private sector in line with the standards of institutional excellence.


    • Effective coordination between the Chambers of Commerce and industry in the United Arab Emirates and unify their efforts.
    • Supporting and protecting the interests of the private sector and encouraging the sector to lead and innovate.
    • The Union plays a supportive and complementary role for State institutions in achieving economic and social development.


    • Enhancing the role of the private sector in the economic development and competitiveness of the UAE in the global economy.
    • Provide quality, efficient and transparent administrative services.


    Activities and Services

    The Federation of Chambers shall exercise all the necessary competencies to achieve the objectives were put upon its establishment:

    • Collecting data, information and statistics of an economic nature in cooperation with the competent authorities and coordinating them.
    • Providing ministries, departments and governmental institutions with data, statistics, research and studies related to the development of the national economy.
    • Studying the problems and difficulties related to commercial and industrial affairs and presenting their results to the relevant governmental institutions.
    • Participating in the committees that are formed to study issues related to commercial and industrial affairs if requested by the competent authorities.
    • To give an opinion on draft laws and regulations related to economic affairs referred to it by the competent government agencies.
    • Representation of chambers of commerce and industry within the state and it may participate in the economic talks conducted by the government with other countries, upon the request of the authorities.
    • Representation of chambers of commerce and industry in conferences, entities, organizations in addition to local, regional and international exhibitions of an economic nature in coordination with various government authorities.
    • Issuing a periodical covering research, studies and statistics of an economic nature.
    • The establishment of exhibitions and markets in the country within the limits of laws and regulations in force and after agreement with the competent authorities.
    • Settlement of commercial and industrial disputes by arbitration if the parties to the dispute agree to refer them to it and if the dispute was between persons belonging to more than one room or between them and between a foreign entity.
    • Invite specialists and experts in government departments and others to consult their views on matters that fall within the competences of the Federation of Chambers.
    • The Federation has an executive management structure according to the latest administrative systems. The management of this grand edifice and the implementation of the plans submitted in accordance with the strategy of the Union, which includes all aspects aimed at achieving outstanding commercial and industrial achievements and updating all aspects of the work of the Union according to a scientific system explained by the plan and within the expected during its various stages and in various fields, the various services provided by the Federation to its employees in accordance with high quality standards, all under the supervision and guidance of the Board of Directors of the Federation and the Secretariat.


    Strategic Outcomes of Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry

    The Union, in cooperation with other government agencies, seeks to push the level of trade and industry to the highest level and achieve advanced positions and competition on the Gulf, Arab and International Markets to achieve the vision of the Union.

    Therefore, the most important strategic outcomes that the Union seeks to achieve and derived from its functions and vision are:

    • Supervision and coordination between Chambers of Commerce & Industry in the United Arab Emirates.
    • International conferences, seminars and meetings.
    • Local and international forums and exhibitions.
    • Publishing and distributing magazines (Journal of Business and Finance - Afaq Economic Journal)
    • Publication and distribution of annual evidence (industrial directory - business directory - touristic directory - web directory).
    • Publication of annual indicators (private sector indicators book).
    • Publication and distribution of annual statistics (statistics on trade between the State and the outside world).
    • Networking with international programs and information (linking with the Arab Trade Financing Program - linking the database to the member chambers).
    • Enhance relations and cooperation with local, Gulf, Arab and international women's entities.
    • Publishing and distributing the Women's Business Magazine.
    • Maximize the role of Emirati women in both commercial and investment activities by providing information and providing appropriate facilities.


    Strategic Programs

    • Meetings
    • Coordinate and support member chambers as a key representative of the business community in servicing and sponsoring the interests of the private sector within the Emirate.
    • Raise the skills of Emirati women in economic life.
    • To spread the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation among businessmen and women.
    • Strengthen private sector leadership in social responsibility.
    • Raising awareness about the activities of the Federation and Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the UAE
    • Exhibitions, events, conferences, seminars and workshops.
    • Enhancing the role of the UAE private sector in the global economy and contributing to the increase of GDP and its representation locally, regionally and internationally.
    • Providing common services to all strategic partners with high efficiency.
    • Effective coordination to maximize the technical and administrative capabilities of Member Chambers.

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