Social responsibility of the private sector and its role in sustainable development

  • Beirut, Lebanon
  • 29 October 2024

The Union of Arab Chambers, in cooperation with HOPE MCF, and in partnership with the Investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in Bahrain (UNIDO), and the Regional Network for Social Responsibility, is organizing the third edition of the conference in person on 10-29-2024 at the headquarters of the Union of Arab Chambers in the capital. Lebanese Beirut. It will be available for those interested to participate virtually via the CLIN GROUP platform.


The conference is being held in light of the qualitative transformations that the Arab world is witnessing in terms of economic and social diversity, which requires setting the correct rules and foundations on the subject of social responsibility for the private sector and its role in achieving the 2023 development goals, where professional competence in social responsibility, transparency and efficiency in non-governmental organizations are considered of crucial importance. To grow.


Within the framework of the endeavors, efforts and cooperation existing between the Union of Arab Chambers, as the representative of the Arab private sector, and non-governmental organizations represented by HOPE MCF, the “Arab Index of Social Responsibility” will be launched during the conference, which is an indicator of outstanding importance for the public and private sectors.


The index, which was the result of a questionnaire circulated to the companies and institutions concerned, aims to raise the level of social responsibility in the Arab world to the level of scientific evaluation, in keeping with the achievements made by countries around the world that seek to achieve sustainable development goals.




Conference objectives:


1. Highlighting the role of the private sector in social responsibility programs and paying attention to the economic and social aspects of society.


2. Developing qualitative awareness of social responsibility and the importance of including it in corporate strategies.


3. Social responsibility of the private sector and how to build initiatives that serve the economy, society and the environment.


4. Developing reliable methodological frameworks for developing social responsibility programs to achieve sustainable development and supporting the state by approving incentive legislation.




The main themes of the conference:


First: The roles achieved by the private sector in promoting and consolidating partnerships according to sustainable development paths.


Second: The importance of monitoring and auditing private sector activities that contribute to promoting sustainable development.


Third: The role of the private sector in empowering women, promoting gender equality, helping people with disabilities, supporting education, and fighting poverty.


Fourth: Highlighting the obstacles and challenges facing the private sector’s social responsibility.


Fifth: Develop appropriate plans for programs and strategies of social responsibility, sustainability, and good governance of institutions.


Sixth: A presentation of Arab experiences from the private sector and non-governmental organizations that confirm the role achieved in implementing the national strategy for sustainable development.

Date published : 24 July 2024



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