Gold Qatar Possession Rises to 30.7 Billion Riyals

  • Doha, State of Qatar
  • 26 August 2024

The value of Qatar's gold holdings reached 30.7 billion riyals at the end of last July, the highest level ever, representing 16 percent of the Gulf state's total official reserves, according to data from the Qatar Central Bank. Qatar ranks 38th globally in gold ownership, with more than 106.4 tons, according to data from the World Gold Council. Qatar has increased its gold purchases from 40 tons in February 2020 to exceed 100 tons by the end of 2023.

International reserves and foreign currency liquidity at Qatar Central Bank increased by 3.9 percent during last July, reaching more than 250 billion riyals, compared to 241 billion riyals in the same month of 2023.

Source (Al-Raya Qatari Newspaper, Edited)

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