Including One Arab And Two Chinese.. Learn About the 10 Most Profitable Companies in the World

  • International
  • 11 March 2024

Many companies worldwide made exceptional profits in 2023, and the profits of a few of these companies before tax, depreciation, and amortization exceeded the $100 billion mark.

According to the monitoring of the site «Company MarketCap», Aramco came in the first place, with a total of $ 247.43 billion (before taxes). Apple came in second place, with a total of $ 121.41 billion, and in third place, came Microsoft, with a total of $ 101.21 billion. In fourth place was Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, with a total of $100.30 billion, and in fifth place, Alphabet, with a total of $86.02 billion. JPMorgan Chase ranked sixth with a total of $61.61 billion. Exxon Mobile came in seventh place with a total of $ 61 billion, followed by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in eighth place with a total of $ 58.89 billion, and China Construction Bank came ninth, with a total profit before tax of $ 55.33 billion, followed by Meta with a total of $ 47.87 billion.

Source (Al Khaleej Emirati Newspaper, Edited)

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