Continuing Red Sea Crisis Increases Corporate Losses, Threatens to Exacerbate Inflation

  • International
  • 7 February 2024

A report issued by the Spanish newspaper "El Pais" showed that many companies around the world, especially in Europe, face economic difficulties as a result of production delays due to changes in the route of cargo ships, and the high cost of goods with the increase in the cost of shipping and the high cost of ship insurance.

According to the Spanish "El País", the distance of the route that ships are now forced to take to avoid crossing the Suez Canal - due to the dangers of the Red Sea - includes circumventing the Cape of Good Hope, which means traveling at least 9 additional days at sea. If security is not restored to the Red Sea region and navigation in this vital corridor is secured, the consequences could be very costly for the global economy.

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper, Edited)

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