Palestine Monetary Authority: Stress Tests Confirm the Strength of Our Banks

  • Jerusalem, Palestine
  • 29 November 2023

The Governor of the Palestine Monetary Authority, Firas Milhem, stressed, "Stress tests showed that the banking system in Palestine is strong and solid, and enjoys the financial solvency necessary to face various challenges." Pointing out that "the results showed the ability of the banking system to maintain a capital adequacy ratio and liquidity levels that comply with the regulatory requirements approved by the PMA under the instructions and best practices. Applicable regulatory requirements include banks adhering to a minimum capital adequacy ratio of 13.5 percent, higher than the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BSC) limit of 10.5 percent."

The Governor stressed, "The measures of the PMA during the past years, which included building the financial safety net, enhancing the capital formation of banks, and improving the quality of risk management, contributed to improving the ability of banks to absorb any potential losses and face various scenarios and shocks."

Source (Al-Araby Al-Jadeed Newspaper, Edited)

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