Gold Prices are Expected to Rise by $100… If America Defaults on Debt Repayment

  • International
  • 15 May 2023

Senior market analyst at Oanda Edward Moya, expected that gold prices will record levels in the event of default of the United States of America on the payment of debts, pointing out that "we will not be surprised if gold prices jumped by about $ 100 an ounce".


It is very difficult to predict, but it is clear that this is a historic moment that will break up large parts of Wall Street.

Gold prices have gained about 11 percent since the start of the year, and 25 percent from November's low levels. Expectations that the U.S. will default for the first time in its history have risen after warnings from the U.S. Treasury Department that it could exhaust extraordinary debt ceiling measures by next month.

Source: (CNBC Arabic Website, Edited)

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