Chambre De Commerce Franco Arabe

  • About The Chamber

    The French-Arab Chamber of Commerce (CCFA), created in 1970, is organized on an institutional basis (Bureau ie Executive Committee - and Board of Directors) which is strictly equal in French and Arab members. This gives the Chamber its uniqueness and strength.

    Its “raison d'être” is the will of those who want to build an area of cooperation and economic partnership between France, Maghreb, Mashreq and the Gulf countries linked by a common history. Its area of expertise thus extends to a market of more than 379 million people.

    At its head, an executive composed of a French President, Mr. Vincent Reina, elected in 2016 and re-elected at the June 2019 General Assembly, and an Arab Secretary General, a Bureau and a Board of Directors composed of member French companies and national Chambers of Commerce of the 22 member countries of the League of Arab States in equal numbers.

    The Chamber is subject to French law and governed by the 1901 Law on associations.




    By approval from the Economic Council of the Arab League, the CCFA is empowered to legalize all documents relating to an export to Arab countries (certificate of origin, commercial invoice, aso).

    The visa service is available Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 a.m., and telephone information is available on 00 33 1 45 53 20 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    The tariff for legalization is € 61 per document.



    Commercial missions for French companies in Arab countries.

    Information and country seminars for companies.

    Breakfasts with economic and institutional speakers.

    Participation in trade fairs and economic conferences.

    Organization of fact finding missions for Arab Embassies in major French cities.

    Reception of Ministers and Arab delegations coming to France.

    Organization of B2B meetings for the benefit of Arab companies coming to France.

    Organization of “France-country Forum” and conferences.



    To share and widely disseminate information, through a Newsletter and a website. 

    The Newsletter:  the Chamber's newsletter is a concentrate of constant monitoring of economic and financial news from companies, opportunities to be seized in France and in the Arab countries and a tool for disseminating the Chamber's activities.  The French version is widely sent to economic and institutional circles and the Arabic version is widely distributed in the 22 Arab countries.

    The Chamber also publishes  every two weeks a business intelligence letter : ccfa Veille.

    The website is dynamic, informative and responsive. It provides macroeconomic and statistical data on Arab countries and news on the CCFA program of activities.


    Dispute resolution: 

    The Mediation and Arbitration Center near the French- Arab Chamber of Commerce (CCFA) brings together eminent arbitrators and mediators of international renown.

    It has state-of-the-art regulations corresponding to the standard of regulations of the most prestigious arbitration institutions in the world.

    The Mediation and Arbitration Center offers to corporate or individual persons a specific method of resolving disputes based on dual Franco-Arab cultures and respect for parity.


    Advantages to our members:

    To allow economic operators to quickly access the best sources of information and establish high-level direct contacts, the French-Arab Chamber of Commerce (CCFA) offers its members the following advantages:

    - Networking

    - Discussions and conferences

    - Support from our Chamber for business visas.

    - Priority for certification of commercial documents.

    - Assistance for exports or FDI in all the countries of the Arab World.

    - Connection with Arab companies wishing to set up or export to France.

    - Facilitation of selection of products and services according to markets and countries.

    - Quick contact with potential importers.

    - Assistance of our Chamber during commercial negotiations.

    - Regular information on business opportunities.

    - Assistance and protection of your interests through the Mediation and Arbitration Center of our Chamber.

    - Insertion of the logo of the Chamber on all your documents in order to facilitate your referencing with your Arab or French contacts.

    - Connection with all public (Chambers of Commerce aso...) or private institutions likely to bring assistance for all your import-export operations.


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