Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • About the Chamber

    The vital trade link for doing business between Switzerland and the Arab World.

    The Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CASCI) was created in 1974. According to the Statutes, the Chamber is a non-profit organization, established to promote the economic and cultural relations between Switzerland and the Arab Countries members of the League of Arab States:

    Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.


    Board of Directors

    Prof. Jean-Paul Vulliety – President of the Board.

    Ms. Hilda Al-Hinai - Secretary General.

    Mr. Nasri Victor Malhame – First Vice-President.

    Mr. Samir Majoul – Second Vice-President.

    Mr. Philippe Riichard – Treasurer.


    Vision, Mission & Goals

    The objectives of the Chamber are to promote and expand relations between Switzerland and the Arab Countries, members of the League of Arab States, and particularly:

    • To co-ordinate, develop and facilitate the commercial, industrial, and financial relations between Switzerland and the Arab Countries, in both ways, by making known on a reciprocal basis their economic potentialities;
    • To improve and extend opportunities for industrial and technical co-operation between Switzerland and the Arab Countries, in close collaboration with private or public organizations with similar objectives;
    • To encourage the transfer of technology, professional training and the creation of joint ventures in industry and agriculture;
    • To provide information and advice, at the request of the members;
    • To offer on request its good offices in case of dispute;




    • To supply information, with the help of competent authorities, about touristic, cultural, scientific and artistic potentialities in Switzerland and the Arab Countries;
    • To endorse visas on commercial and other documents.


    Activities & Services

    Advantages for our members

    In order to access to the most adequate information sources and to have a direct contact with high business level, the Arab-Swiss Chamber offers to its members the following advantages:

    • Priority to participate in the different activities of the Chamber (seminars, conferences, visits of Arab delegations in Switzerland, business travel to the Arab World).

    • Priority to obtain the visa of our Chamber for your exportation commercial documents.

    • Support of our Chamber to obtain visas for your business travels from different Embassies.

    • Priority to have access to our documentation centre and to obtain the assistance of our team.

    • Presentation of your products on the Arab and Swiss markets.

    • Assistance of our Chamber to find your future partner.

    • Protection of your commercial interests through our Disputes & Claims service.

    • Free access to member zone.

    • Free copy of our Annual directory.

    • You will receive our Monthly bulletin each month by e-mail.

    • We will provide you with business addresses according to your needs.

    • You will benefit from our business network.


    Business services

    The Chamber has access to a wide range of directories, databases, contacts lists and statistics on both the Arab world and Switzerland. We will be pleased to assist you in doing your business.

    This will provide you with information about the 22 countries, members of the Arab League, provide updated Business Opportunities and Tenders, and will enable you to have the addresses of the Swiss companies in your sector.

    These services include:

    • Business Opportunities (published in our Monthly Bulletin).

    • Business luncheon.

    • Information.

    • Economic missions to the Arab countries.

    • Economic and trade statistics.

    • Country Profile.


    Visa of documents

    Export documents to the Arab Countries such as:

    • Certificate of Origin (Original)

    • Invoices (Original)

    • Commercial documents:

    • Transport

    • Insurance

    • Health certificates

    • Analysis

    • Associate agreement

    • Contracts

    • Power of attorney

    • Other legal and commercial documents


    Must take the following steps:

    • Legalization by the Swiss authority: Chamber of Commerce or Chancellery

    • Visa from our Chamber (payment of our fees should be done in advance)

    • Legalization by the concerned consulate or Embassy


    Market research

    Economic research and economic studies constitute a key factor for a successful project and a successful management.

    The Arab-Swiss Chamber of Commerce disposes of a wide experience in the Arab world and Switzerland market, it has a wide contact network in the Arab countries and Switzerland. The availability of valuable information and data bases from different sources in Switzerland and from the Arab world and the high qualified team, constitute main factors of high quality of quantitative and qualitative research services. This service is open for all companies who desire to undertake business with the Arab world.




    Research fields:

    The research services includes all the economic studies, more precisely the Chamber can help your enterprise in performing studies in the following fields:

    • Cost-Benefit analysis.

    • Investment opportunities.

    • Market structure and market share.

    • Marketing strategies.

    • Trade-related laws, and laws related to creation of enterprises.


    It depends on the type of the research that we will perform.

    Our members are entitled to substantial discounts on fees for research services, lists and publications.  These usually amount to reductions of 25% of prices applicable to non-members.

    Seminars and forums

    In addition to its annual General Assembly, the Chamber organizes business luncheons and business seminars. The business luncheon allow an Ambassador or an Arab personality to expose the political and economic situation and the economic problems in his country. It allows to give an overview of the investment opportunities in the Arab country. It is the ideal place where businessmen from both sides can meet to discuss mutual business opportunities and have contacts at top levels.

    Other Seminars:

    In this context, in 2008 the Chamber has organized four business luncheons for Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon and Egypt.

    Business lunch on “Egypt”:

    Held 24th of March at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, with H.E Mr. Magdy Galal SHARAWY Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Switzerland, our guest of honor and speaker, during this event. (Gallery)

    The Chamber has also organized the Swiss-U.A.E. Business Forum, which was held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva, and 31st October 2008.

    A Delegation of high personalities from The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Friday has attended this forum in addition to their homologues from Switzerland. 

    Moreover, the Chamber has organized Oman Business forum, July 31, 2009, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva with the cooperation of Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry.





    The Chamber's main role is to provide its members with all needed information about the business environment in Switzerland and the Arab World, and to link the potential trade partners from both sides. The Chamber provides mainly the following services to its members:

    • Economic information related to the Arab Countries and Switzerland: Rules, laws, taxation, fiscal system, import license, agency agreement.

    • List of potential partners, commercial agents, distributors, financial position etc.…

    • Periodic publications to keep our members up-to-date with the business environment in both Switzerland and the Arab World through its Annual Directory, Monthly bulletin.

    • Up-to-date and friendly website.

    • The Chamber organizes seminars and forums in Switzerland in order to promote the economic relations between both parties. Arab delegations headed by important personalities from public and private sectors meet and discuss with companies and individuals in Switzerland for a better understanding and future prospects. The Chamber’s seminars represent a unique opportunity to meet with high-ranking Arab personalities, CEO’s in industry, banking, and trade.


    The Chamber’s objective is to maintain harmonious commercial relations between Switzerland and the Arab countries.

    The Chamber offers this service in case of dispute through its experience and knowledge of the business and law environment in both Switzerland and the Arab world. Moreover, the Chamber has a network with the different Chambers of commerce in Switzerland and the Arab world, which allows it to play the role of mediator in order to reach an amicable solution.

    Small and medium enterprises

    Among other services, the chamber is able to help Swiss and Arab Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to enter and promote their services and products in Switzerland and/or in the Arab countries.

    Small companies which are not in a position to spare time and money to travel and to explore the possibilities of looking for an agent, the Chamber will help to find a solution.

    For any enquiries, please contact or write to Chamber’s secretariat.




    Translation service

    The Chamber is offering translation services from and to the following languages:

    • French

    • English

    • Arabic




    Activities of the Chamber in 2015

    • 40th Annual General Meeting at Park Hyatt Zurich, January 19, 2015.

    Guest of Honor and Speaker:

    Ambassador Livia Leu, Head of the Bilateral Economic Relations Division, SECO

    Ms. Myret Zaki, Editor in chief, Bilan Magazine


    Activities of the Chamber in 2014

    • Swiss-Arab Wealth Management Forum 2014, Wednesday, 3rd April 2014, Grand Hotel Kempinski, Geneva.

    Activities of the Chamber in 2012

    • Our 38th Annual General Meeting, April 12, 2012, at 4.00 pm. at the Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva.

    Guest of Honor and Speaker:

    Mr. Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou

    Head, Middle East and North Africa Program, Geneva Center for Security Policy

    Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies / Geneva.

    Topic: “After the Arab Spring: Challenges and Opportunities for the Arab World and its Partners”.


    Activities of the Chamber in 2011

    • Our 37th Annual General Meeting, May 5, 2011, at 4.30 pm. at the Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva.

    Guest of Honor and Speaker: Mr. Nicolas SARKIS, Director General, the Arab Petroleum Research Center, Paris.

    Topic: “The Arab Revolts and the Fukushima Disaster Are Reshaping the World Energy Outlook?”



    • Luncheon-Debates / Forums

    Topic: “IRAQ Investment Opportunities”: Postponed


    • Business trips to:

    Lebanon-Jordan- Syria: 2nd quarter

    Maghreb Countries: autumn 2011


    • Forums: second half of 2011

    Topic: “IRAQ Investment Opportunities”

    Topic: “Forum Algeria”

    Topic: “Forum Tunisia”


    • Meeting with the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Switzerland (April 19, 2011)


    • Publications 2011

    • Monthly Bulletin
    • Annual directory 2011, 33rd edition, published in May 2011



    Activities of the Chamber in 2010

    • Our 36th Annual General Meeting, 14.04.2010, at the Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva.


    • Emerging Innovation. Redesign your business for breakthrough results; lessons from high-growth markets.

    December 2nd 2010, Le Richemond Hotel, Geneva.


    • Algeria Conference: Zurich (Postponed to a later date).

    Friday November 5, 2010 at the World Trade Center Zurich, 8.30 am 3.00 pm.


    • L’Egypte, un diamant brut.

    Opportunités commerciales dans une Egypte en croissance. Voyage prospectif en Egypte pour PME. 13 octobre 2010, Zurich, Convention Point

    (neue Börse Zürich).


    • Swiss Entrepreneur Trip to Egypt from, 01.12. To 03.12.2010.


    Relationships Network

    Economic missions to the Arab countries

    In order to promote the economic relations between Switzerland and the Arab world, the Chamber proposes this service to allow businesses men from Switzerland to visit an Arab country of their choice. This is a very important step in order to link Swiss business men from different sectors with their homologues in the Arab countries to build a mutual trust in order to explore the investment environment and discuss potential investment opportunities.

    This service is very interesting for Small and medium enterprises as it allows them to make the travel with relatively low cost and meet top level personalities form both public and private sectors. The Chamber has organized economic missions for most Arab countries.

    The Chamber is also involved at the top levels in the organization of official visits between Switzerland and the Arab countries.

    In 2002 the Chamber organized the Jordan Investment Forum, patronized by King Abdullah II. Also a forum for Sudan patronized by the Sudanese President, in addition to the forum of Palestine patronized by the former Palestinian President Mr. Arafat.


    The Chamber cooperated with the local Chambers of Commerce for both Abu Dhabi and Oman for the organization of the visit of Mrs. Doris Leuthard, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (FDEA), and Federal Councilor at the end of 2007.

    The Chamber represented by its president participates also in official economic missions to Arab countries, such as the economic visit of Mrs. Leuthard to Oman and United Arab Emirates organized in 2007.

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