Khaled Hanafi from the Headquarters of the League of Arab States: Launching an International Arab Initiative “Litaarafu” to Enhance Cultural, Commercial, and Tourism Cooperation with Countries of the World

  • Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt
  • 11 January 2024

On April 10, 2024, a cooperation agreement was signed at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo between the Union of Arab Chambers, represented by its Secretary General, Dr. Khaled Hanafi, and the OPENET company and its brand “Antica,” represented by its Director General, Ahmed Nasr, and the League of Arab States, represented by His Excellency the Assistant Secretary, Ambassador Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Maliki. The "Litaarafu" initiative, which is an international Arab initiative for culture, trade, and tourism, accompanied by an Arab exhibition to communicate with the world, was launched under the umbrella of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States - Economic Affairs Sector.

The Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Chambers, Dr. Khaled Hanafi, noted the signing of the agreement and the launch of the “Litaarafu” initiative, given the importance of the exhibitions held in the world as they are a unique opportunity to introduce the countries that participate in them, at all levels: cultural, commercial, civilizational, tourism, science and technology. , arts, and heritage, in addition to the various products and industries for which it is famous.

Dr. Khaled Hanafi spoke about the importance of the initiative, “which will include holding Arab exhibitions in foreign countries in cooperation with the joint Arab-foreign chambers of commerce, as there is a possibility of hosting these exhibitions in the countries where these chambers are based at specific periods to be agreed upon. The exhibitions constitute a platform for communication and promotion at all levels, strengthening Arab ties with the world, and providing an advanced vision of the Arab world.”

He pointed out that "The League of Arab States needs to be the official umbrella for Arab initiatives aimed at Arab economic integration, strengthening its position globally, and promoting dialogue, understanding, and acquaintance with diverse cultures, as a partner of the Union of Arab Chambers (the representative of the Arab private sector), in adopting this initiative and working on achieve it.” Considering that “Given the importance of the role of the Arab and foreign chambers of commerce involved in this issue, the Union of Arab Chambers will coordinate with the aforementioned company, Openet, to hold exhibitions to be a partner in the process of organizing and promoting and inviting companies in the host country to participate in it, thus allowing room for acquaintance and the establishment of Arab-foreign partnerships. It will also include the establishment of a special corner for trade and investment, tourism, culture, arts, entrepreneurs, innovation and invention, humanities, and bilateral meetings and workshops.”

The Secretary General of the Union, Dr. Khaled Hanafi said that work will be done to create a digital platform that allows individuals and participants to communicate and explore commercial and investment opportunities, facilitate economic integration and establish Arab-international trade partnerships, and for visitors to explore exhibition spaces, their cost and reserve pavilions for in-person or virtual participation, with the availability of a smart reservation system for individuals.

Source (Union of Arab Chambers)

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