An Arab Country with a Total Annual Industrial Production of $ 25 Billion

  • Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 9 October 2023

The Chairman of the Jordan Chamber of Industry, Eng. Fathi Al-Jaghbeer, revealed the impact of qualitative Arab investments in the local industry positively on the performance of the industrial sector and contributed to increasing the volume of industry production.

He stressed that the Jordanian industrial sector has many elements and advantages, which made it a real attraction for investment, as it accounted for more than 80 percent of the total investments flowing to the Kingdom of Jordan during the past years, especially in the sectors of food industries, chemicals, engineering and petrochemical industries."

The industrial sector has large production capabilities and high added value, as the total annual production in the sector is $ 25 billion, while the number of goods produced in the Kingdom reaches 1,500 commodities, within the various industrial sub-sectors.

Source ( Website, Edited)

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