Record growth in tourism sector revenues in Tunisia by 66 percent

  • Tunis, Republic of Tunisia
  • 30 March 2023

Recent statistics published by the Central Bank of Tunisia showed that the revenues of the tourism sector grew from the beginning of last January until March 20 by 66% on an annual basis. According to the data, the value of these revenues during that period amounted to about 881 million dinars ($ 284.2 million).

Tunisia's tourism sector contributes more than 7 percent of the annual GDP of nearly $40 billion. Prior to 2010, it contributed about 14 percent of the country's GDP and was a major source of foreign exchange.

Last year, the Tunisian tourism market attracted more than 6.4 million tourists from around the world, up more than 160 percent year-on-year. This figure means that the sector recovered about 69 percent of the number of arrivals recorded in the year before the pandemic, while Tunisia was emerging from previous crises that were hampered by terrorist attacks and the reluctance of tourists to visit the country.

Tourism facilities have also seen a remarkable recovery, with hotel occupancy up 140 percent with 20 million nights recorded compared to a year ago.

Source (Al-Arab Newspaper, London, Edited)

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