Japanese Passport is the First in the World and the UAE is the First in the Arab World

  • International
  • 21 July 2022

Japan, Singapore and South Korea took the lead in the ranking of the most powerful passports, as global travel continued to recover from the Covid-19 virus, reversing the pre-pandemic rankings that were dominated by European countries.

The Russian passport ranked 50th, giving easy access to 119 countries. China ranked 69th in terms of access to 80 countries, while the Afghan passport ranked last, as its holder can travel without a visa to only 27 countries.

In the Arab world, the UAE passport ranked first, but it ranked 15th globally, with the possibility of entry to 176 countries without a visa. The Qatari passport ranked second in the Arab world and 57th globally, as its holder can enter 99 countries without a visa, Kuwait came behind it with two places in the world. Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia ranked fourth to sixth, with the possibility of entering more than 81 countries without a prior visa for Saudis.

The rest of the ranking came in the Arab world: Tunisia, then Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Djibouti, Lebanon, then Sudan, Libya, Palestine, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and finally Iraq, with the possibility of entering 29 countries without a visa, and ranked before world last.

Source (Al-Arabiya.net Website, Edited)

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