Growth of Islamic Banks’ Assets in Qatar

  • Doha, State of Qatar
  • 7 December 2021

The quarterly bulletin of Qatar Central Bank showed that the total assets of banks operating in Qatar reached 1804.53 billion riyals. Whereas the assets of Islamic banks in Qatar recorded an increase of 11.54%, amoutning to about 484.9 billion riyals, compared to their level in October 2020 of 434.75 billion riyals.

The domestic assets of Islamic banks amounted to 444.15 billion riyals in the previous October, while foreign assets amounted to 22.60 billion riyals. The quarterly bulletin of Qatar Central Bank revealed that the reserves of Islamic banks amounted to 18.15 billion riyals in October 2021.

The value of customer deposits in Islamic banks amounted to 308.36 billion riyals, which constitutes 31.94% of the total value of deposits in Qatar’s banks, which amounted to 965.45 billion riyals during the month of October 2021. The Islamic banks’ profit amounted to 336.1 billion riyals last October, representing 27.67 percent of the total volume of credit in commercial banks operating in Qatar, amounting to 1,214.58 billion riyals.

Source (Al Raya Newspaper-Qatar, Edited)