Exponential Growth of AI at More Than 55 Percent per Year

  • International
  • 26 September 2024

In its fifth annual global technology report, consulting firm Bain & Co predicted that the global market for AI-related products will grow by 40 percent to 55 percent annually to exceed the limits of $ 185 billion reached last year to reach about $ 1 trillion in 2027.

According to the company, demand is increasing so rapidly that it will strain supply chains for components, including chips needed to power services. The company warned that increased sales in parallel with geopolitical tensions could lead to shortages of semiconductors, personal computers, and smartphones.

The company expects the cost of larger data centers to jump to between $10 billion and $25 billion within five years, up from the current cost of $1 billion to$4 billion.


Source (Al-Arabiya.net Website, Edited)

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