UAE...3.8 Percent Growth in the “Central Bank’s” Gold Balance

  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 15 July 2024

The UAE Central Bank's gold balance rose to 20.36 billion dirhams at the end of last April, an increase of 3.80 percent, or the equivalent of 745 million dirhams, compared to 19.61 billion dirhams at the end of March 2024.

The Central Bank's gold balance increased by 12.19 percent, or the equivalent of 2.21 billion dirhams, during the first four months of 2024, compared to about 18.14 billion dirhams in December 2023.

The Central Bank's gold balance has witnessed remarkable growth over the past years, rising from 4.044 billion dirhams at the end of 2019. Gold is part of the various assets owned by the Central Bank, which include liquid funds, certificates of deposit, and securities held until maturity.

Source (Al Khaleej Emirati Newspaper, Edited)

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