10 Most Requested Jobs for Remote Work

  • International
  • 4 June 2024

Research from Indeed has shown that remote recruitment companies have become the most prevalent in various fields, including real estate, healthcare, and even forensics. The company reports that remote job advertisements on its platform continue to rise, with the job search site seeing a 40 percent increase in remote work opportunities between March 2023 and March 2024.

The Indeed website has already identified the ten most in-demand jobs for remote work, as all the jobs on the list provide full- or part-time remote work opportunities, and include wages exceeding $80,000. The ten jobs are: Documentation Reference Average Salary: $123,427, Telemedicine Average Salary: $139,412, Forensic Analyst Average Salary: $106,442, Real Estate Analyst Average Salary: $103,157, Environmental Scientist Average Salary: $92,018, IT Specialist average salary: $99,448, Engineer average salary: $174,743, Social Media Strategist average salary: $81,329, Software Analyst average salary: $98,392, AI/ML Engineer average salary: $170,186.

Source (Al-Khaleej Emirati Newspaper, Edited)

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