Banque Du Liban Approves Exceptional Measures to Repay Foreign Currency Deposits

  • Beirut, Lebanon
  • 5 February 2024

The Central Bank of Lebanon (CBDL) has approved exceptional procedures for the payment of deposits in foreign currencies formed after October 31, 2019.

The procedures stipulate that every bank operating in the country must exceptionally do what is necessary to secure the gradual repayment of foreign currency deposits in accounts opened after October 31, 2019. The decisions also stipulate the opening of branched accounts in which depositors are transferred $150 per month in cash, provided that the total amount that can be withdrawn from all banks does not exceed $1,800 annually. The decision will be effective immediately upon its issuance and for a period ending on June 30, "subject to amendment or renewal."

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper, Edited)

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