The Gulf-Jordanian Communication Forum Holds its Third Session

  • Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 28 September 2022

The Jordanian capital, Amman, hosted the activities of the Gulf - Jordanian Economic Connection Forum - in its third session, organized by the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and with the support of the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

The President of the Federation of Saudi Chambers and the President of the Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Ajlan Al-Ajlan, expressed his hope that the forum would contribute to opening new horizons for development and growth in the economic and trade relations between the Gulf and Jordanian sides. He stressed that strengthening joint Arab economic relations is one of the means to achieve sustainable development in the Arab countries in general.

Al-Ajlan pointed out that we look at the investment and trade relations between the Gulf and Jordanian private sectors as having broad prospects, especially since governments on both sides are keen to provide various incentives and forms of support to expand these horizons and translate the directives of our wise political leaders to upgrade them to be a model for the integration of Arab economies.

In turn, the President of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Nael Kabariti, stressed that "the future, within the current global data and changes, requires the countries of the Arab region to stand firm, develop and grow, and establish strong economic alliances that can stand up to storms, especially the "Tsunami of the Rushing Economy" on the countries of the world."

He stressed that "we have to realize that there is no room in the future for the steadfastness of countries closed in on themselves, and hence the only way is openness within global globalization and rapid technological development and the post-Fourth Industrial Revolution."

Source (Al-Dustour Jordanian Newspaper, Edited)

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