Moroccan Economy will grow 3 percent in 2022

  • Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco
  • 11 February 2022

The International Monetary Fund expects Morocco's GDP to grow by about 3 percent over the next few years. The fund also expected the Moroccan economy to recover from the recession that witnessed in 2020, indicating that Moroccan fiscal policy must be based on a reliable medium-term macro fiscal framework supported by a comprehensive reform of the tax system and a systematic review of government spending.

In addition, the European Union and Morocco are seeking to develop a "green" economic partnership in the areas of clean energy and facing global warming.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that we are working to develop a green partnership between Morocco and the European Union that will enable us to develop cleaner energy. She pointed out that Morocco is the union's first economic partner in Africa. She revealed the European Union's intention to invest 1.6 billion euros in supporting Morocco's endeavors to achieve energy and digital transformation. Pointing out that "this is a great opportunity for the green shift and the digital transformation."

Morocco aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45.5 percent by 2030, and has set a target to reach more than 52 percent of renewable energy capacity by 2025.

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Newspaper, Edited)