Qatar Banks Deposits Rise to More Than 864.4 Billion Riyals

  • Doha, Qatar
  • 3 July 2020

Qatar Central Bank revealed that the total deposits of banks at the end of May 2020 reached about 864.4 billion riyals, and the total deposits were distributed between private sector deposits, public sector deposits, and non-resident deposits.

Private sector deposits increased in May by about one billion riyals to 391.8 billion, compared to 390.8 billion in April, and 360.8 billion riyals a year ago (an increase of 8.5%). While public sector deposits decreased by about 21.5 billion to reach 265.2 billion riyals, compared to 286.7 billion riyals last April, and 257.1 billion riyals a year ago in May 2019. Non-resident deposits increased by 5.6 billion to 207.4 billion riyals, and it was 188.4 billion riyals a year ago.

The facilities granted by banks decreased in May 2020 to reach 1059.8 billion riyals from 1068 billion riyals last April, but they were higher than their level a year ago of 955.7 billion riyals. The credit granted to the public sector decreased in April to 310.3 billion riyals from the level of 321.3 billion riyals in the month of April, but it was still 7% higher than its level a year ago in May 2019 of 290 billion riyals. On the other hand, the credit granted to the private sector rose by 2.6 billion in April to reach 678.3 billion riyals in May, compared to 675.7 billion in April and 584.8 billion a year ago.

Source (Al-Raya Newspaper-Qatar, Edited)


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