Moroccan Banks' Investment Loans Exceeded $18 billion

  • Rabat, Morocco
  • 9 January 2020

Bank loans intended to finance investment in Morocco increased by more than 60 percent during the year 2019.

Statistics of the Central Bank of Morocco (CBM) showed that most of this increase in investment loans was during the second half of 2019, which is considered an indication of the entry of new investors into the clothing sector, which was considered afflicted by the intensification of Chinese competition over the past ten years. It should be noted that the decline in Chinese competition in the recent period, in the context of the transformations that China knows, has given a new breath to the garment sector in Morocco.

It is noteworthy that the supply loans for the apparel, textile and leather sectors declined continuously, contracting by about 70 percent between 2010 and the beginning of last year, before returning to growth since last March. knowing that the total Moroccan banks’ loans are directed to invest in all sectors amounted to 177.62 billion dirhams (18.7 billion dollars) at the end of last September, according to the CBM, and witnessed an increase of 3.23 percent compared to what it was a year ago.

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Edited)


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