Establishment of a Joint Industrial City on the Jordan-Iraq border

  • Bagdad, Republic of Iraq
  • 12 November 2018

Jafar Al-Hamdani, President of the General Union of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce pointed out the “Economic relations between Jordan and Iraq are long and go back to decades, as some Jordanian companies were originally established for exporting to the Iraqi market.”
The speech was given during the opening ceremony of the Jordanian-Iraqi Business Forum held in Baghdad on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Baghdad International Fair.
Al-Hamdani stressed on the importance of accelerating the establishment of a joint industrial city on the Jordan-Iraq border, which will contribute to enhancing economic cooperation and stimulating investments in ways that serve both interests of Jordan and Iraq.
Under the same occasion, Jordanian Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Dr. Tareq Al-Hamouri, stressed the importance of efforts between Jordan and Iraq to enhance joint economic cooperation in various fields and to optimally benefit from the opportunities and potentials available in both sides,” adding that “Jordan stands by Iraq in the battle of reconstruction, development, progress, and prosperity.”

Source (Al-Dostour Newspaper-Jordan, Edited)

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