Kuwait Central Bank's assets rise by 15.6 percent

  • Kuwait, State of Kuwait
  • 16 October 2018

Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) disclosed a 15.6% year-on-year increase in its assets during the month of September.
Kuwait's central bank assets stood at 10.53 billion dinars ($ 34.81 billion) at the end of September, compared with 9.11 billion dinars ($ 30.11 billion) during the same month in 2017.
On the other hand, the Director of the Customs Department of Kuwait Jamal Al-Jalawi said that "Kuwait seeks to increase customs revenues to 800 2.64 billion dollars, by the fiscal year that begins in 2030, from about 332 million dinars in 2017-2018, which ended on 31st of last March. This means that the target increase in the fiscal year 2030-2031 is about 141 percent."
"This endeavor is a strategic objective that is subject to many factors and circumstances but is based on a number of current and future projects being adopted by Kuwait," he said.

Source: (Elnashra Economic website, edited)