Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon Expects a 2% Growth

  • Beirut, Lebanon
  • 3 October 2018

Riad Salame, Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, declared, "The stability of the Lebanese pound is the title of confidence and the means to maintain social stability," reassuring on "the ability of the Central Bank to preserve it."
Mr. Salame visited Michel Aoun, President of Lebanon in the presidential palace, where he briefed him on the current financial and economic data. He pointed out that the Central Bank is following a policy that maintains the stability of the Lebanese pound, remarking that, "the outlook for Lebanon is stable," and making it clear that “what is promulgated in some of the media, articles, and studies is incorrect." He added, "The debt in the market is $56 billion out of $83 billion. However, the Central Bank has a policy of keeping the Lebanese pound against the dollar, and it is not changing because the stability of the LBP is a mean for maintaining social stability, and we have the capacity to do so, with growth expected at 2 percent by the end of this year."

Source (Al-Hayat newspaper, Edited)