Jordan and the Arab Economy as a whole mourn the loss of Fellow Senator, Haidar Issa Murad, who died at the age of 78, and who had spent his life in economic and charitable work.
Murad was the father of the Senator Issa Haidar Murad, Chairman of the Amman Chamber of Commerce. Born in Gaza in 1940, he went to Cairo University in the early 1960s to complete his studies, and specialized in Economics at the Faculty of Commerce, from which he graduated in 1964.
In 1986, he became member of the Amman Chamber of Commerce, where he spent a quarter of a century serving the Jordanian commercial sector. He was behind the creation of an Arbitration Chamber within the Chamber of Commerce, which had positive repercussions in reaching satisfactory solutions on issues facing traders.
In 2001, he was elected in the Jordanian Senate, whom membership contributed to bringing the voice of trade to the parliament.
His Former Majesty King Hussein Bin Talal awarded him “the Order of the Jordanian Planet” in recognition of his role in charity, volunteerism and community service. His Majesty King Abdullah II also granted him the Medal of Economic Independence.
Source (Al-Dostour newspaper – Jordan, Edited)