Arab Austro Chamber of Commerce

  • About Arab-Austro Chamber

    The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) was founded in 1989 as a multilateral non-profit institution with the purpose to strengthen the economic ties between Austria and the Arab countries. The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce is acting under the umbrella of the Union of Arab Chambers (UAC) & the League of Arab States.

    The AACC unites high-ranking personalities from both, Austria and the Arab countries: its Board of Directors is presently consisting of 40 Austrian and Arab members from official institutions, federations and chambers of commerce, renowned companies, and representatives of the Arab Ambassador’s Council in Austria.

    The AACC emphasizes the cooperation with its partner organizations, such as the Arab Ambassador’s Council in Austria, institutions of the private and public sector and international organizations. 


    Vision and Mission

    The AACC is acting as an institution for the support of mutual investment, economic, scientific and cultural relations between Austria and the 22 countries of the League of Arab States.

    The AACC serves as a council for institutions from the private and public sector from Austria and the Arab States.

    AACC’s Mission is to be Austro-Arab Focal Point for:

    •       Mutual investment

    •       Networking on all levels of private and public sector

    •       Joint activities

    •       Mutual forums, workshops and events

    •       Risk Analysis

    •       Economic Reports

    •       Business Culture & cultural manners

    •       Mediation & De-escalation

    •       Academic cooperation

    •       Authentic examination of documents of export


    Objectives and Targets

    • Preparing real analysis for potential investment opportunities
    • Providing a strong network on all levels of decision-makers of the private and public sector
    • Objective and detailed risk analysis taking all relevant facts into consideration
    • Professional organization of high-quality activities, forums, events and delegation visits addressing current economic topics with the participation of Austrian and Arab representatives
    • Publishing of specialized and detailed economic reports of the relevant regions
    • Giving a helpful and authentic picture of cultural manners & adequate business behavior & mentality
    • Presenting authentically cultural heritage of Austria and Arab countries
    • Providing an objective platform for de-escalation and mediation between business parties
    • Presentation of state-of-the-art technologies, thus strengthening the relationship between business and academic institutions, as well as within the academic intuitions on both sides
    • Protecting the end-users interests through proofing export documents
    • Ensuring consumer’s interest by proofing liability and seriousness of companies


    Services & Activities

    •       Periodical Publications

    •       Information Services

    •       Personal consultation service and expertise

    •       Risk analyses

    •       Briefing the Arab Diplomatic corps and interested parties on economic developments

    •       Visa support & translations

    •       Presentation and electronic “linking” of the AACC Members

    •       AACC country reports, investigations & analyses

    •       Recommendation letters for AACC Members to institutions

    •       Conferences

    •       B2B Meetings

    •       Round Table Discussions

    •       Exhibitions

    •       Forums & Symposia

    •       Workshops

    •       Seminars

    •       Gala Events

    •       Charity & Cultural Events

    •       Lectures

    •       Presentations

    •       Organization of Economic Delegations

    •       Trainings

    •       Visits of Companies

    •       Panel Discussions

    •       Legalization Services

    •       De-escalation & Mediation Activities



    Economic Forum of the Austro-Arab Chamber

    20. October 2017

    Participation at the Global Manufacturing & Industrialization Summit, Abu Dhabi   



    Meetings between CEOs of Austrian Companies & Arab Ambassadors


    Delegation visit from Libya


    Training of the General Secretaries of Arab Chambers

    1 Week July 2017

    Organizing a Visit of the Governor of Bagdad to Austria


    Participation at the Export Day of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber


    Organizing Trips for the Arab Diplomatic Corps to Austrian Companies


    Supporting the economic departments of the Arab Embassies


    Receiving Incoming Delegation from the Arab Countries


    B2B Meetings



    Relationships Network

    •       Union of Arab Chambers (UAC) / Arab Federal and Local Chambers

    •       League of Arab States

    •       Arab Embassies in Austria

    •       Austrian Ministries

    •       Various Arab Ministries

    •       Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO)

    •       OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)

    •       UN- Institutions (e.g. UNIDO; UNDP)

    •       Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects (ÖIAV)

    •       Austrian Association for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (ÖGV)

    •       Vienna Business Agency

    •       University of Vienna

    •       Arab Media represented in Austria

    •       Austrian Media

    •       Start of Cooperation between AACC and Crans Montana Forum

    •       The Austro – Arab Chamber of Commerce and Crans Montana Forum decided on starting the cooperation in the future, thus signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

    •       Start of Cooperation between AACC and FCE-Algeria

    •       The visit of Mr. Mohamed Salmi, representative of the Algeria’s major business association, Le Forum des Chefs d’Entreprises « Forum of the Entrepreneurs»   (FCE). Coordinating the Visit of the FCE with its President Mr. Ali HADDAD in 28th April 2016.

    •       Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

    •       European-Mediterranean Assemblies for Energy, Environment & Water (EUROMED)

    •       Austrian Institute for Europe and Security Policy (AIES)

    •       Various Arab Austrian Business Councils