Jordan Chamber of Commerce

  • About the Chamber

    Formerly known as Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (FJCC)" was established and commenced its operations, on December 19, 1955, in accordance with the (Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Law No. 41 of 1949).

    JCC’s primary responsibility is to cooperate, through dialogue, with the country various private and public sector bodies and plays an advisory role vis-à-vis government and parliament.

    The principle activities of JCC include representing the general interest of the business community, providing information and advice to members, promoting economic development, providing market information and economic statistics, encouraging foreign investment, and facilitating international trade.

    On 12th June 2003, a Provisional Law, No. 70 of 2003 was enacted under the name of (Chambers of Commerce), in which Jordan Chamber of Commerce was established to take over the role of the former (Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce), noting that mandatory membership is applied to all chambers including JCC.



    Khalil El Haj Tawfiq


    Vision & Mission


    JCC is a non-profit private national Chamber representative of local Chambers of Commerce that serves its interests in all economic, commercial, and service sectors.

    It provides the umbrella for 16 Chambers of Commerce located in the major cities and districts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


    Jordan Chamber of Commerce Objectives:

    • Participate with the public bodies in drawing up policies related to trade and service sectors including strategies and plans needed to be implemented.
    • Participate in the efforts of promoting development and promotion of trade and service sectors including small and medium sized enterprises.
    • Promote cooperation between the Chambers of Commerce on the one hand, and the Arab and foreign Chambers of Commerce, on the other hand.
    • Consolidate and coordinate the capabilities of the local Chambers of Commerce.
    • Participate along with relevant authorities in organizing economic and commercial conferences at local, Arabic and international levels.
    • Conduct, publish, and update economic studies and research in relation to trade and services.


    Activities & Services

    The main activities of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce include the interests of the business community, the provision of information and consultation to members, assisting in economic development, the provision of economic statistics and market conditions, the promotion of foreign investments, the facilitation of international trade and the organization and holding of trade and economic conferences and workshops at the local, Arab and international levels.


    Initiatives and projects

    1. Information, Studies & Research Center and its task is to prepare studies and researches related to the trade and economy sector and to develop proposals for research projects and specialized studies.
    2. The establishment of an arbitration center aimed at resolving local, regional and international disputes which are presented to the Chamber by alternative means through conciliation, mediation and / or arbitration to resolve all types of disputes according to local, regional and international standards.
    3. Establishment of the Entrepreneurship Development Center to be the first in the service of the commercial sector in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It aims at spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and providing distinctive education and training to establish pilot projects that create jobs for others and produce applicable researches that contribute to building the knowledge society.
    4. Organizing economic events in honor of visiting delegations to Jordan or visiting Jordanian missions abroad accompanied by holding forums and conferences, bilateral meetings and trade exhibitions, and cooperating in the organization of seminars, workshops and training workshops.


    Relationships Network

    Cooperation Agreements with Arab Countries


    1. The Republic of Tunisia

    • Tunis, 22 November 1995: A joint cooperation agreement between the Tunisian Union for Industry and Commerce and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce.
    • Sousse, 5 July 1996: Singing of the agreement for the establishment of the Joint Jordanian-Tunisian Businessmen Council, which includes the Tunisian Union for Industry, Trade and Handicrafts, and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce.

    2. The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

    Protocol for the establishment of the Joint Algerian-Jordanian Chamber of Economic Activities (JCCI) between the Algerian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry (Amman, 15 September 1997).


    3. The Arab Republic of Egypt

    Protocol of economic cooperation between the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce. (Amman on 10/12/1998) and the signing of the agreement for the establishment of a joint Jordanian-Egyptian Chamber of Commerce between the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce (Cairo, 28/10/2002)



    4. Saudi Arabia

    Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the Saudi-Jordanian Business Council between the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry on the other hand (Amman, 3/7/1999).


    5 - Kingdom of Morocco

    Protocol of Economic Cooperation between the University of the Moroccan Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Agadir on 18/5/2000) and the signing of the Joint Jordanian-Moroccan Business Council Agreement between the University of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services in Morocco and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry. 10/2001).


    6. State of Kuwait

    Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Amman, 26/9/2005).


    7. State of Qatar

    Agreement on the establishment of the Jordanian-Qatari Chamber of Economic Activities between the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce, the Amman Chamber of Industry and the Jordanian Businessmen Association, on the one hand, and the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the other (Amman, 5-7 July 1996) in addition to the signing on the protocol of establishing the Jordanian-Qatari Businessmen council.



    8. Syrian Arab Republic

    Protocol of cooperation between the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce on the one hand and the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry on the other hand (Amman on 4/12/1989) and the signing of the protocol for the establishment of the Syrian-Jordanian Business Council between the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce and Chamber of Industry of Damascus Jordanian Chamber of Industry and the Amman Chamber of Industry. (Amman on 3/8/1999) and signing the minutes of the Syrian-Jordanian private sector activities between the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce. (Damascus on September 29, 2002), in which the Syrian-Jordanian Business Council is to be established.


    9. Kingdom of Bahrain

    Agreement on cooperation and coordination between the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the one hand and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry on the other hand (Amman on 3/6/1997) and the signing of the Bahrain-Jordan Joint Businessmen Council Agreement between the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jordanian Chamber of Industry and the Amman Chamber of Industry on the other hand (Manama, 22/7/2001).


    10. Republic of Iraq

    Joint Cooperation Protocol between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Federation of Iraqi Industries on the other (Amman, 24/3/2004)


    11. Sultanate of Oman

    The Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Oman on the one hand and the Chamber of Commerce of Jordan and the Chamber of Industry of Jordan on the other hand. (Cairo, 30/4/2009) and the signing of the agreement for the establishment of the Jordanian-Omani Business Council between the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the one hand and the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the other (Cairo 30/4/2009).


    12. Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

    Agreement to enhance the cooperation between Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Industry of Jordan on the one hand and the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Tripoli, May 5, 2009).


    13. Republic of Yemen

    Protocol of Economic Cooperation between the General Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Yemen on the one hand and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and the Chamber of Industry of Oman on the other hand (18/6/1995) and the signing of the agreement of establishing the Jordanian-Yemeni Businessmen Council between the General Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce and Industry And Amman Chamber of Industry (Sana'a, 10/10/2002).


    14. Republic of Sudan

    Protocol of Economic Cooperation between the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and the General Federation of Sudanese Employers (Amman on 28/3/2000) and the signing of the agreement for the establishment of a Joint Council between the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and the Jordanian Chambers of Industry on the one hand and the Union of Sudanese Employers on the other (Khartoum 6 / 2/2003)


    15. The Republic of Lebanon

    Agreement for the establishment of a Jordanian-Lebanese Chamber of Commerce between the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon (Beirut, 31/10/2002).


    16. United Arab Emirates

    Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry on the one hand and the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the other. (Abu Dhabi, 9/4/2009).


    Cooperation Agreements with Foreign Countries

    1. Italy

    Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce on the other (Amman, 15/3/2004).


    2. People's Republic of China

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Chinese Council for the Development of International Trade and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce. (Amman, 1 June 1996)
    • Establishment of the Jordanian-Chinese Business Council between Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Jordan Chamber of Industry, Jordan Businessmen Association, and China Council for the Development of Foreign Trade. (Amman, 19/6/2007)
    • Signing a cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the China Foreign Trade Center. (Amman, 8/7/2009)


    3. Republic of Turkey

    Agreement between the Turkish Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Maritime and Commodities Trade, Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry (Amman, 12 November 1996).


    4. Islamic Republic of Iran

    Protocol of Cooperation and Agreement for the Establishment of a Joint Council of the Iranian-Jordanian Economic Activities (Amman, 1/9/1996).


    5. Romania

    Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce. (Bucharest, 6/4/2009), and the signing of the Joint Jordanian-Romanian Businessmen Council (Bucharest, 6/4/2009).


    6. Republic of Bulgaria

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 6 November 1999)
    • Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Chamber of Industry and Trade of Bulgaria. (Amman, 3/12/2007).


    7. Republic of Indonesia

    Cooperation Agreement between the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the one hand and the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Industry of Jordan on the other (Amman, 4/5/2009).


    8. Belarus

    Cooperation Agreement between Belarus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Belarus) and Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 17/12/1996).


    9. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of Pakistani Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce and Amman Chamber of Industry (Amman, 12/8/1997)
    • Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of a Joint Business Council between Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Jordan Chamber of Industry and Federation of Pakistani Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Amman, 10/5/2006).

    10. Republic of Croatia

    Cooperation agreement between the Chamber of Commerce of Croatia and the Chamber of Commerce of Jordan and the Chamber of Industry of Jordan. (Amman on 21/3/2004) and the signing of the Jordanian-Croatian Joint Businessmen's Agreement (Zagreb 26/8/2004).


    11. Ukraine

    Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 27/7/1995). Protocol for the Establishment of a Joint Business Council between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (Amman, 16/12/2003).


    12. Kingdom of Nepal

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Federation of Nepali Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Kathmandu, 7/4/2000).


    13. Republic of India

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 30 September 1995).
    • Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Industry (India 1/12/2006).


    14. The Democratic Republic of Germany

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Foreign Trade Chamber of the German Democratic Republic and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce. (18/3/1987) and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Berlin, 28 June 2000).
    • Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Magdeburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (Amman, 19/2/2009).


    15. Union of Myanmar

    Cooperation Agreement between the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Union of Myanmar and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 8/8/2001).


    16 - Tatarstan

    Cooperation Agreement between the Tatarstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce, the Amman Chamber of Industry and the Jordan Construction Contractors Association (Amman, March 1998).


    17 - Czech Republic

    • Memorandum of Understanding between the Czech Chamber and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 17 October 1998).
    • Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Czech Chamber of Commerce. (Amman, 9/3/2008).


    18. France

    Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 29/4/1999).


    19. Slovenia

    • The signing of a joint Jordanian-Slovenian business council agreement (Yopliana on 24/6/2009).
    • The signing of a cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (Yopliana 24/6/2009).

    20. Slovakia

    The signing of the cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovakia (Bratislava on 26/6/2009).


    21. Russian Federation

    • Signing of a joint cooperation agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Industry (Amman, 12/2/2005). And the signing of a joint Jordanian-Russian Business Council.
    • Agreement for the establishment of the Russian-Jordanian Business Council (Amman, 13/2/2007).
    • Signature of the minutes of the third meeting of the Joint Jordanian-Russian Business Council. (Amman, March 19, 2008).


    22. Republic of Cyprus

    Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cyprus and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 30 September 1992).


    23. Kingdom of Malaysia

    • Memorandum of Understanding between the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (Amman, 24 September 1996).
    • Cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Malaysia. (Kuala Lumpur, 15 May 2008).


    24. Kingdom of Thailand

    Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Islamic Thai Trade and Industry Association and the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (Amman, 5/10/2004).


    25. Singapore

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Singapore Business Federation and the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (Amman, 19/5/2005).


    26. Luxembourg

    Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Industry (Amman, 22/11/2005).


    27. Poland

    Joint Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce of Poland, the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Industry (Dead Sea 6/11/2006).


    28. Republic of Azerbaijan

    Cooperation Agreement between the Azeri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry (Azerbaijan 7/11/2006).


    29. Republic of Kazakhstan

    Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kazakhstan on the one hand and the Chamber of Commerce of Jordan and the Chamber of Industry of Jordan on the other (Astana 9/11/2006) and the signing of the establishment of a Jordanian-Kazakh Business Council.


    30. Greece

    Cooperation Agreement between Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jordan Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Industry (Amman, 13/12/2006).


    31. Sri Lanka

    Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka and the Chamber of Commerce of Ceylon on the one hand and the Chamber of Commerce of Jordan and Chamber of Industry of Jordan on the other (Dead Sea 18/5/2007).


    32. Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Foreign Trade Chamber of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Amman, 25/6/2007).


    33. Portugal

    • Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Portuguese Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the other (Amman 18/2/2008) and the signing of the joint Jordanian-Portuguese Business Council (Amman 18/2/2008)
    • Cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Business Federation and the Portuguese Industrial Association on the other (Lisbon 17/3/2009).


    34. Brazil

    A cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry on the one hand and the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Industry in Brazil on the other (Sao Paulo, 24/10/2008).


    35. Argentina

    A cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the Jordan Chamber of Industry and the Argentine Chamber of Commerce, and a cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the Jordan Chamber of Industry and the Argentine-Arab Chamber of Commerce, in addition to a memorandum of understanding between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the Jordan Chamber of Industry and the Federation of Argentine Industries. (Buenos Aires, 27/10/2008).


    36. Chile

    Agreement to establish a Jordanian ring within the Chilean Arab Business Council between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Industry of Jordan and the Arab-Chilean Business Council, and a cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Chilean Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism. (Santiago 20/10/2008).


    37. Austria

    Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Federation of Austrian Economic Chambers on the other. (Amman, 10/11/2008).


    38. South Korea

    Cooperation Agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Korea on the other. (Seoul, 2/12/2008).


    49. El Salvador

    A cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador on the other. (Amman, 15/5/2009).


    40. Canada

    A cooperation agreement between the Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Jordan Chamber of Industry, on the one hand, and the Canadian Trade Council on the other. (Amman, 11/11/2009).


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