AED 30 Billion UAE Government Budget Surplus in the Second Quarter

  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 10 October 2023

The combined revenues of the UAE government, which includes the federal government in addition to local governments, recorded a significant increase during the second quarter of 2023, by 13.4 percent, after reaching AED 131.2 billion, compared to the first quarter, which recorded 115.6 billion.

The Ministry of Finance revealed that the value of government expenditures reached 100.5 billion dirhams during the second quarter of this year, recording a surplus in government revenues amounting to 30.6 billion dirhams. Government tax revenues rose by 31 percent to 83.2 billion dirhams.

Social contribution income reached AED 3.8 billion in the second quarter, compared to AED 3.9 billion in the first quarter.

Source (Al-Khaleej Emirati Newspaper, Edited)

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