Arab Central Banks: Accelerating the Transition to Digital Financial Services

  • Arab Countries
  • 28 April 2020

The Board of Governors of central banks and Arab monetary institutions affirmed the great importance of financial inclusion, and the need to enhance applications of digital financial services, accelerating the transition to them, and users’ education of financial services, as the current circumstances, highlight the need for this.

The Council announced, in a statement on the occasion of the Arab Day for Financial Inclusion, that access to finance and financial services in the Arab countries is receiving great attention in light of the great potential opportunities that can be achieved by enhancing financial inclusion to support comprehensive and sustainable economic development, and to meet unemployment challenges and achieve social justice.

The Council confirmed its support for the efforts of the international community in promoting inclusion, in the forefront of which is the Group of 20 headed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has adopted the axis of financial inclusion as one of the main axes in the economic and financial development program, because of its link to achieving sustainable development goals.

The Director-General Chairman of the Board of the Arab Monetary Fund, Dr. Abdulrahman A. Al Hamidy, stressed the importance and role of financial inclusion in facing economic challenges that affect growth, by mobilizing resources to increase investment rates and create new job opportunities, which would help to meet the challenges of poverty, unemployment, and social justice.

Source (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Edited)

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