Qatar's Assets Record Significant Gains in 2018

  • Doha, Qatar
  • 28 December 2018

A report released by Bloomberg Agency showed that Qatar's financial assets recorded a remarkable performance and were significantly higher than those of the rest of the GCC.

According to this year's asset performance data, credit risk in Qatar fell by 17 percent in a year, while Oman’s increased to 33 percent, Saudi Arabia 14 percent, Abu Dhabi 9.5 percent, Dubai 7.6 percent, Kuwait 2.9 percent, Bahrain 2.3 percent.

Interest rates on bonds maturing between 2026 and 2029 increased by 17 basis points (0.17%) in Qatar, while it increased in Oman 186 points, Saudi Arabia 74 points, Abu Dhabi 35, Dubai 32, Kuwait 30 and Bahrain 17 bps.

Foreign inflows into Qatar's stock market were $ 2 billion and 469 million, a big difference from Saudi Arabia, which attracted only $ 694 million. In the performance of the stock market, Qatar achieved the largest rise of its main index, which gained 21 percent, compared with 11 percent for the Kuwait Stock Exchange index, 9.5 percent for the Abu Dhabi index and 7 percent for Saudi Arabia, compared to a decline in Dubai, where its main index lost 26 percent, while the Omani index lost 15 percent and Bahrain 1.3 percent.

Source: (Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper, Edited)